The law is basically law developed and enforced by governmental or civic bodies to control behavior, using its definition a matter of long standing debate. In the United States it is overwhelmingly applied to the civil society, the legal system and to individual citizens. It has also been differentially defined as both an art and a science of justice. There are many forms of the law that make up the vast body of law. Within the United States, the three branches of the federal government are the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Tax Office and the Federal Trade Commission.

Civil law is that which governs the interaction of the state and civil society, such as private organizations and governments. Within the body of civil law there are three different types of law: common law, universal law, and statutory law. Common law jurisdictions include the federal circuit courts, the common law states, and case law. Civil-rights cases are those involving people’s civil rights in the United States; for example, an attorney challenging a violation of the FHA housing loan regulation may be arguing on behalf of the United States government. Statutory law is what the U.S. Congress has decided, meaning it is what the courts have to construe in order to enforce the many legislations enacted by our legislative branches.

The business law, which is also commonly known as intellectual property law, is a body of laws that govern business activities in the United States. This body of laws includes patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and licenses. All of these are subject to a common law principle which holds that the enacting of laws by our legislative branches is an instance of power possessed by the people, and not by the state. This is in opposition to common law jurisdictions that rely on judicial review to address issues that are ruled upon by the legislature rather than the executive branch.

Perhaps the most important area of law in the United States is a criminal law. Criminal law covers crimes against the state, government, or society in whole or in part. These include murder, manslaughter, arson, conspiracy, vandalism, solicitation, piracy, embezzlement, burglary, mayhem, and assault and battery. Criminal law has been extremely complicated since the passage of the Constitution, when a person could be held guilty of any number of such crimes at once. However, the development of modern-day criminal law greatly influences the types of crimes that are covered, their punishments, and their scope.

Intellectual property law covers matters of business and industry. This includes trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade names, and logos. Intellectual property law can be extremely complicated and very technical for the average person to understand. For this reason, many individuals choose to work with criminal defense lawyers to represent them in their cases. Criminal defense lawyers not only understand the ins and outs of the system, but they also understand the local laws within their jurisdiction and how those laws will affect their clients. Because of this specialized knowledge and background, criminal defense lawyers are able to use their knowledge and experience to give their clients the best possible defense.

A crime has many different elements that make it unique. There are usually several factors that make a crime an illegal act. These elements are usually categorized under the various classifications of crimes. A few of these categories include felonies, misdemeanors, infractions, and errors and omissions. Each crime has its own punishment under the law. When these three elements are combined they form the crime of criminal law.

Property law refers to all laws that protect the individual’s rights in his or her home, land, and belongings. People can break many laws while on the property but if they do so without the proper authorization and consent it will be considered as breaking a law. The laws that pertain to property law can often be confusing for someone not familiar with them. For instance, one person may break a law that prohibits him from disturbing another’s sleep by sleeping in his bed, but another person might use this same law to prevent another from stealing his belongings.

Criminal law deals with conduct that is considered criminal and is either a misdemeanor or felony crime. Manslaughter and assault are considered felonies. Burglary and theft are considered misdemeanors. If a person breaks any of these laws but does not have the financial resources to enter a guilty plea the judge will decide the punishment. Criminal charges are very serious because they involve a person’s entire life.

Categories: Law