Price is determined by the success rate of the hair-transplant clinic. Clinics that are highly regarded in the field of hair transplants in Turkey usually charge higher prices. However, there are clinics in Turkey that are affordable and run by highly-skilled Indian doctors.

Avrupa Hair Transplant

The cost of hair transplants in Turkey is quite affordable when compared with other countries. Private clinics and hospitals are hygienic and safe, and the procedure can be performed at a minimum cost of three thousand dollars. This procedure is less expensive than similar procedures in the United States and the United Kingdom. The cost of the procedure varies from clinic to clinic and is dependent on the surgeon’s expertise and experience. A good clinic will have a high rate of success and be open about the cost.

The cost of hair transplants in Turkey is extremely affordable when compared with other countries like the UK. The cost is between $1500 and $15000 for a 3500-graft procedure. The price may not reflect the quality of medical services. For instance, a lower-cost clinic in Turkey might charge less than $1900, but carry out eight to ten operations per day.

Smile Hair Clinic

The Smile Hair Clinic is one the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey. It offers excellent results at a reasonable cost. Its facilities are equipped with the latest technology and a highly-experienced staff. The clinic does not publish an pricing list, so you will need to contact them directly for an estimate.

The Smile Hair Clinic offers Micro FUE and Direct Hair Implant hair transplant methods. The latter requires a specialized implanter pen to perform the transplant. While this procedure is more expensive, it is considered to be the best option in order to achieve the most natural-looking results. The clinic offers mesotherapy, eyebrow and body hair transplants, as well as beard and beard transplantation.


The costs of hair transplant surgeries in Turkey are less than those in most Western countries however this does not mean that you’re sacrificing quality. Turkish healthcare facilities have been gaining a reputation for being affordable and high quality for many years. Although they may not have the same standards or technology as American counterparts, Turkish doctors and clinics are well-known for their expertise.

It is important to choose a clinic that will perform hair transplants. The consultation involves the doctor carefully looking at the patient’s hair before determining how many grafts will be required. Consultation is a great opportunity to ask questions. When the consultation is completed the surgeon will then begin the procedure.

DHI is the most recent

The DHI Turkey hair transplant clinic’s medical team is highly qualified. The team includes aesthetic surgeons and plastic surgeons who are specialists in FUE hair implant surgery. Additionally, several nurses are specially trained for this procedure. Patients can anticipate a rapid recovery and natural results.

DHI hair transplant clinic in Turkey uses an innovative method of hair transplantation referred to as “direct hair implant”. Doctors make use of a special pen to implant hair follicles directly to the skin. This technique gives grafts a longer life span than those transplanted using other methods. However, this technique has an issue, as it requires more individuals to perform the procedure.


Turkey is a popular location for hair transplant surgery. Turkish hair transplant clinics offer high-quality services at a low cost, varying according to the clinic and the procedure. FUE is a more advanced procedure that is less invasive and therefore scarier. While Turkey has a lot of clinics that offer hair transplants, it is recommended to locate a reputable clinic that offers top-quality services. A good clinic should have high rate of success, transparency and professionalism.

The number of grafts needed to undergo a hair transplant in Turkey will determine the price. To determine of grafts required, a surgeon will examine your scalp. If you’re seeking an entire procedure, you’ll need save $2500 in your account. You may require more depending on the quality of your surgeon as well as the clinic.

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