Food art or food cooking is the artistic creation of preparing, baking and presenting food in an attractive manner. It includes several techniques such as painting, sculptures, and food sculpture that can be applied to the preparation of food. Probably, the concept of food art likely came up because of the amalgamation of various food cultures all over the world resulting to innovative uses of foods and other ingredients.

With food being a central ingredient of civilization, you can see the importance of food appreciation by many cultures. With this, people started searching for new ways of appreciating the art in food arts. This has now grown into a sub-genre of cooking called as post shared cooking.

Post shared or PDS is a form of food arts that is gaining recognition from many corners of the globe. The popularity of PDS has also grown thanks to various innovations being made in the industry. One of these innovations includes the use of the newest materials that have been developed through technological advancements. In the past, preparing food was a long process that usually required several months before you actually start eating it. With the development of new materials, it made the preparation a lot easier without compromising the quality.

During the past century, food preparation was often done in a round wooden pot called ‘saucer’. This pot was usually heated during the pre-dinner meal so that it can be used for roasting marshmallows. Other than that, during special occasions and holidays, the family would prepare food together at the dinner table. Thus, since there is limited space in the kitchen, soups, cakes, pies and other food stuff must be baked in ceramic pots or even on the hearth. To make it easier for the family to share the food, an additional pot known as ‘the stove’ or ‘the broiler’ were made available so that cooking can be done even without the presence of people.

During the 20th century, different kinds of tools and materials were invented to aid food preparation. First, electric rice cookers were created to speed up the cooking process. Then, there were food processors that help to cut the preparation time. In addition to that, meat grinders were also created to help those who love to grill meat. Aside from that, there were pressure cookers that will keep foods heated until the time is right for them to eat.

Although most modern kitchens are equipped with appliances that can aid quick cooking, there is still need for innovation when it comes to food preparation. Food still needs time to be cooked so food experts continue to come up with new ways of making the process faster and more convenient. Some of these ways include using microwave ovens or warming containers. You can also try freeze dried products or even using tinned or packaged foods as the main ingredients in your meals. These ideas were once considered to be too unusual, but they have proven to be very practical and convenient over time.

Food engineering involves the study and application of food science principles to promote the efficient production of food products. As food technology evolves, food technologists have also developed several methods for preserving food materials. For example, refrigeration technology has been employed for centuries. Nowadays, the process of chilling food can be done in less time and is more reliable than before. It is also advisable to store food properly so you won’t have to experience long periods of time where your food items are exposed to harmful elements.

Food engineering isn’t just a science; it’s also an art. Food scientists have become creative in coming up with new and improved recipes. They keep experimenting to come up with new dishes that will not only satisfy taste buds but will also be able to provide proper nutrition for the people. What’s more, they make sure these dishes are safe to eat and enjoyable to prepare.

Categories: Food